Title of the Practice: Implementing Digitization in Institutional Practice

Objectives of the Practice:

  • Improve the processes of digitalization in teaching, learning, and evaluation.
  • Facilitate the incorporation of ICT for administrative purposes.
  • Promote a paperless learning environment to preserve the environment.
  • Enhance students' abilities and self-confidence in utilizing digital technologies for learning and instruction.
  • Use ICT to promote higher-order thinking and creativity.
  • Determine the practical applications of technological integration.

The Context:

Aligned with the NAAC's value framework, the institution is making a steadfast transition to the digital age, integrating digital solutions across all administrative and academic processes. Every aspect of higher education—administration, formats, goals, teaching, learning, and assessment—is being digitalized. This digital revolution includes the increasing use of digital media and technology for teaching, learning, support services, administration, and communication. Consequently, both professors and students are required to acquire digital skills to meet current and future demands.

The Practice:

  • Expanded the number of computers for academic and administrative purposes, forming an IT infrastructure with 97 computers connected through LAN.
  • Established a student internet corner, providing students with free internet access.
  • Implemented 24x7 CCTV surveillance across the campus.
  • Provided open Wi-Fi access for both students and teachers.
  • Introduced smart classrooms to enhance the teaching-learning process.
  • Implemented an Integrated Public Address System.
  • Launched an SMS portal to relay important notices to students and staff.
  • Installed a digital notice board for real-time updates on college information.
  • Installed a threat management system (UTM) for internet security.
  • Digitized account maintenance.
  • Implemented KOHA for library automation.
  • Managed a dynamic and interactive college website.
  • Developed an online portal for admission, registration, examinations, and fee payments.
  • Maintained G-suite accounts.
  • Created active online portals for leave applications and CAS profile updates.
  • Introduced a certificate portal for online "NOC" applications.
  • Electronically maintained E-pension services.
  • Established a repository for e-notes.
  • Utilized platforms like Google Meet and Zoom for classes, webinars, and online conferences.
  • Set up financial portals for staff salaries, PF, etc.
  • Managed various government scholarship schemes electronically.
  • Regularly updated the bandwidth of the internet connection.

Evidence of Success:

  • Enhanced IT infrastructure.
  • Automated library operations.
  • Digitized almost all office work.
  • Extensive student use of IT infrastructure and services.
  • Digital conduct of all internal examinations, with students adapting well.
  • Widespread use of digital portals for admission, fee payment, scholarships, grievances, and results.
  • Regular use of digital portals by teachers and staff for office and academic work.
  • Digital management of faculty.
  • Evidence of a green drive through paperless transactions.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

  • Technical issues encountered during ICT usage.
  • Shortage of gadgets for economically disadvantaged students.
  • Need for improved digital literacy and technical proficiency.
  • Students find virtual classrooms less engaging than traditional ones.
  • Availability of funds.


We are dedicated to the above practices, but we acknowledge there is still much to achieve.


Title of the Practice: Catering Structured Exposure to Higher Education in the Neighbourhood

Objectives of the Practice:

  • Inform and educate school students about various career choices available at the higher education level.
  • Encourage school students to plan their higher education based on their aptitude, interests, and skill sets.
  • Facilitate a smooth transition from secondary to tertiary education.
  • Encourage interaction with in-service professionals from different fields for experience sharing and motivation.
  • Inculcate confidence in students.
  • Help students make informed decisions and choices.
  • Familiarize students with the existing career portal.
  • Aid students in developing soft skills.

The Context:

After completing their secondary and higher secondary examinations, school students often face a deluge of career choices and struggle to make informed decisions aligned with their aptitude, qualifications, and priorities. Many lack the necessary information or exposure, leading them to follow popular streams due to parental or peer pressure. Misguided career choices often result in dissatisfaction and failure.

The Practice:

Panchakot Mahavidyalaya recognizes the need for structured exposure to higher education and strives to support local secondary and higher secondary students. By creating a constructive interface between school and higher education, the institution aims to provide guidance on educational and career-related issues. This initiative optimally utilizes available infrastructure and manpower, fostering a mutually beneficial partnership. College students participating as mentors gain leadership skills and credentials.

Evidence of Success:

Numerous students have visited various laboratories (Computer Science, Physics, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, Geography), exposing them to higher education facilities and motivating them to pursue further studies. Tours of the computer centre, library, gymnasium, canteen, and classrooms helped students understand the resources available. The campus flora and fauna highlighted environmental considerations in higher education. Students from neighbouring schools attended sensitization seminars on career opportunities and participated in talent-hunt programs.

Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

  • Technical issues with ICT usage.
  • Shortage of gadgets for economically disadvantaged students.
  • Need for improved digital literacy.
  • Virtual classrooms being less engaging than traditional ones.
  • Funding availability.


This practice has seen some success, and future plans include:

  • Setting up school-specific field teams.
  • Identifying schools' needs.
  • Establishing knowledge transfer bridges.
  • Counselling students on career advancements.
  • Offering free short-term skill development courses.
  • Providing access to college laboratories and library.
  • Organizing summer/winter internships.
  • Conducting seminars/workshops.
  • Hosting talent hunt camps.
  • Conducting special classes.
  • Arranging visits to the college for school students


Previous Best Practices

1. Title of the Practice
Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching, Learning and Administrative Practice

2. Objectives of the Practice
Since the Covid period there have been momentous changes in the avenues of functioning and dissemination, both academically and administratively. Hence, a reconfiguration and reorientation became imperative in every avenue and the use of ICT became integral in teaching-learning and administrative practice.

3. The Context
With computer and mobile technology becoming more user-friendly, students have become accustomed with e-learning, e-books, interactive learning.

4. The Practice
The pandemic situation brought the classroom teaching-learning to a sudden jolt but the familiarity with ICT-based teaching-learning has enabled a smooth continuation of teaching-learning process. The college has already evolved online admission system, online fees payment, and feedback and other academic and administrative activities making the system more transparent.

5. Evidence of success
a) Modernizing and continuously upgrading the teaching learning and administrative process: Use of ICT makes mutual learning faster, easier, more concentrated, broader and deeper resulting in better understanding and efficiency in the domain of knowledge and skills.
b) 24X7 Easily accessible Resources: ICT based teaching-learning provides students with all necessary and desired information at anywhere anytime basis. The relevant details are also available for all official purposes.
c) Cost-effective and Time-effective. ICT enabled academic audio-visual media and other office tools are both cost and time effective.
d) Involving the students, teachers and office staff in participative Learning Obstacles faced if any and strategies adopted to overcome them.

6. Problems encountered and Resources Required
a) Teething Problems: Familiarizing with ICT has initial hiccups as all students and staffs are not evenly placed in terms of reception of new technology.
b) Students frequently change of email id and mobile number.

7. Notes (optional).

1. Title of the Practice
Practicing conservation of energy in college premises with efficient lighting solutions.

2. Objective of Practice
To promote sustainable development by reducing energy consumption.

3. The Context
Less power consumption and working at low operational voltage make this lighting technology very much needed in the current scenario.

4. The Practice
LED is a highly energy efficient lighting technology. In energy class rooms, laboratories, office, library LED lights are extensively used. It is also economical having long life time compared to normal incandescent bulbs and CFLs. Solar High Mast Lights on campus installed.

5. Evidence of success
Due to large access of LED lights in the campus, working and academic environment is becoming easier for students and staffs It is also economical for the college. Solar High Mast Lights on campus installed.

6. Problems encountered and Resources Required
In order to maintain eye safety distance is maintained between LED light source and object.

7. Notes (optional).


1. Title of the Practice
Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching, Learning and Administrative Practice

2. Objectives of the Practice
Since the Covid period there have been momentous changes in the avenues of functioning and dissemination, both academically and administratively. Hence, a reconfiguration and reorientation became imperative in every avenue and the use of ICT became integral in teaching-learning and administrative practice.

3. The Context
With computer and mobile technology becoming more user-friendly, students have become accustomed with e-learning, e-books, interactive learning.

4. The Practice
The pandemic situation brought the classroom teaching-learning to a sudden jolt but the familiarity with ICT-based teaching-learning has enabled a smooth continuation of teaching-learning process. The college has already evolved online admission system, online fees payment, and feedback and other academic and administrative activities making the system more transparent.

5. Evidence of success
a) Modernizing and continuously upgrading the teaching learning and administrative process: Use of ICT makes mutual learning faster, easier, more concentrated, broader and deeper resulting in better understanding and efficiency in the domain of knowledge and skills.
b) 24X7 Easily accessible Resources: ICT based teaching-learning provides students with all necessary and desired information at anywhere anytime basis. The relevant details are also available for all official purposes.
c) Cost-effective and Time-effective. ICT enabled academic audio-visual media and other office tools are both cost and time effective.
d) Involving the students, teachers and office staff in participative Learning Obstacles faced if any and strategies adopted to overcome them.

6. Problems encountered and Resources Required
a) Teething Problems: Familiarizing with ICT has initial hiccups as all students and staffs are not evenly placed in terms of reception of new technology.
b) Students frequently change of email id and mobile number.

7. Notes (optional).

1. Title of the Practice
Practicing conservation of energy in college premises with efficient LED lighting solutions.

2. Objective of Practice
To promote sustainable development by reducing energy consumption.

3. The Context
Less power consumption and working at low operational voltage make this lighting technology very much needed in the current scenario.

4. The Practice
LED is a highly energy efficient lighting technology. In energy class rooms, laboratories, office, library LED lights are extensively used. It is also economical having long life time compared to normal incandescent bulbs and CFLs.

5. Evidence of success
Due to large access of LED lights in the campus, working and academic environment is becoming easier for students and staffs It is also economical for the college.

6. Problems encountered and Resources Required
In order to maintain eye safety distance is maintained between LED light source and object.

7. Notes (optional).


1. Title of the Practice
Acquainting the students on use of National Repository and Open Access Digital Library.

2. Objectives of the Practice
To promote access of study materials digitally and at the convenience of the students.

3. The Context
The pandemic situation made this practice even more needful.

4. The Practice
Various awareness webinars, orientation sessions on how to use the national depository digitally has been initiated that could facilitate the students in open access to study materials from various books, journals of national and international repute.

5. Evidence of Success
The students have been using this facility after proper training have been given to them.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
The open access repository needs to be widened and shortage of funds to even more digitalize it is a problem. More faculty required for training students on the use of this facility.

7. Notes (Optional)

1. Title of the Practice
Operating a system of one to one teaching during the pandemic period.

2. Objectives of the Practice
To ensure that students do not miss out the personal interaction not possible in online mode of teaching.

3. The Context
The pandemic situation led to this thought of personal one to one interaction.

4. The Practice
Students have been facing doubts, insecurities as classroom teaching had been withdrawn due to the pandemic situation. To ensure that students do not fall a prey to idleness and a sense of left out, to clear their queries and doubts in lessons taught in the online mode, teachers engaged I one to one interaction with them after class hours.

5. Evidence of Success
Many students showed clear signs of improvement after such a practice was introduced.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required
All students could not be reached and their problems resolved due to time constraints and shortage of faculty. The duration of meeting them became long and it hence hampered the continuity. Moreover, lack of smart phones and sufficient mobile data on the part of many students left them out of this facility.

7. Notes (Optional)


1. Title of the Practice
To help students who have financial difficulties.

2. Objectives of the Practice
The aim of the practice is to provide the financial support to those who have problem in paying tuition and other fees. This will help those students to continue their studies without any mental stress.

3. The Context
This practice will help those students to continue their studies without any mental stress.

4. The Practice
The college receives students from various backgrounds. There are several students who are meritorious but incapable of paying tuition and other fees due to their financial conditions. It is the interest of the institution to see those students to complete their courses without any problem. The institution has initiated a scholarship scheme to distribute fund to the needy students as full semester tuition fees waiver & half semester tuition fees waiver based on their financial status and also performance in the academic and related activities.

5. Evidence of success
A large percentage of students come to study here from the remote corners of this district and often belong to the lowest income groups. Many are first generation learners and receive absolutely no support from their families. These young women would not be in a position to pursue higher education if it were not for the extensive support–financial and otherwise-offered by the College.

6. Problems encountered and Resources Required
This practice is hampered by a lack of sufficient funds.

7. Notes(optional).

1. Title of the Practice
A Green Campus Drive

2. Objectives of the Practice
To promote environmental awareness and sustainability, the college takes initiative to keep the campus clean and greenThe college's policy is to undertake environmental awareness programs and activities on a regular basis.

3. The Context
This helps to preserve the greenery on our campus and fosters an appreciation for, understanding of, and responsibility for the environment and its preservation for sustainable development. This helps to preserve the greenery on our campus and fosters an appreciation for, understanding of, and responsibility for the environment and its preservation for sustainable development.

4. The Practice
Students and faculty are invited to join in the green projects listed below at our campus:

  • Making the campus plastic, smoke free and clean – Keeping in the mind the better environment and health of all, the college campus is being made clean, free from any sort of plastic and use of smoke in any manner.
  • The campus's green cover is well maintained by a gardener, departmental professors, and students mainly NSS and NCC.
  • Environmental Day Celebrations, Tree plantation, maintenance of garden are regularly conducted.
  • Seminar talk on environmental awareness, exhibition are conducted
  • Students conscientiously participate in the NSS-organized campus cleanliness initiatives.

5. Evidence of success
On the college grounds, a medical plant garden has been established. College made plastic free and thermocol free. Aesthetic vale increased.

6. Problems encountered and Resources Required
The college needs more skilled workers and resources to build and manage the medicinal plant garden on a vast scale. Vermicomposting required.

7. Notes


The College campus is kept green and environment friendly. With very few quantity of water available for such purposes in this dry place, we work very hard to do it. We do not allow any advertisement, letters, notices, flex or any of such sorts to be pasted on our walls. Instead acrylic notice boards, sms and LFD tv are used to serve notices. No plastic and thermocol is allowed in our campus. Rain water harvesting infrastructure is there in the campus.

Being in a precise flora where growth of harmful plants like Parthenium is very common and obvious, The college takes special care to get rid of these plants so as to reduce the vulnerability of students and staff from respiratory diseases.

Students are given ample chance to reappear for the internal exams so that they learn from their mistakes and do better.

College conducts NCC district, state level camps to motivate the students about importance of discipline, love for the motherland and generation of good health.

College students actively participate in various rallies and road show activities for the propaganda and sensitization of various social issues to the locality.

College conducts a very big Book Fair.

College library is fully automated.


The College campus is kept green environment friendly. With very few quantity of water available for such purposes in this dry place, we work very hard to do it. We do not allow any advertisement, letters, notices, flex or any of such sort to be pasted on our walls. instead acrylic notice boards, sms and LFD tv are used to serve notices. No plastic and thermocol is allowed in our campus. Rain water harvesting infrastructure is there in the campus.

Being in a precise flora where growth of harmful plants like Parthenium is very common and obvious, The college takes special care to get rid of these plants so as to reduce the vulnerability of students and staff from respiratory diseases.

Students are given ample chance to reappear for the internal exams so that they learn from their mistakes and do better.

College conducts NCC district, state level camps to motivate the students about importance of discipline, love for the motherland and generation of good health.

College students actively participate in various rallies and road show activities for the propaganda and sensitization of various social issues to the locality.


The College campus is kept green with plants and flowers. With very few quantity of water available for such purposes in this dry place, we work very hard to do it. We do not allow any advertisement, letters, notices, flex or any of such sort to be pasted on our walls. instead acrylic notice boards, sms and LFD tv are used to serve notices. No plastic and thermocol is allowed in our campus.

Being in a precise flora where growth of harmful plants like Parthenium is very common and obvious, The college takes special care to get rid of these plants so as to reduce the vulnerability of students and staff from respiratory diseases.


The College is situated in remote and backward area where most of the students are first generation learners coming from poor families. The drop-out rate of students at primary level is very high mainly due to severe poverty. Most of them remain with no options than work as child labour. To be precise, male child gets involved in different shops and agricultural activities. This practice named “ADULT AND CHILD LABOUR LITERACY” is taken by the college to sensitize the aged people in different villages as well as child labour by the student volunteers to make them achieve in social work as well as to understand the social problems. Books, papers, Pencils were distributed to student volunteers for teaching purpose.

Being in a precise flora where growth of harmful plants like Parthenium is very common and obvious, The college takes special care to get rid of these plants so as to reduce the vulnerability of students and staff from respiratory diseases.


The College is situated in remote and backward area where most of the students are first generation learners coming from poor families. The drop-out rate of students at primary level is very high mainly due to severe poverty. Most of them remain with no options than work as child labour. To be precise, male child gets involved in different shops and agricultural activities. This practice named “ADULT AND CHILD LABOUR LITERACY” is taken by the college to sensitize the aged people in different villages as well as child labour by the student volunteers to make them achieve in social work as well as to understand the social problems. Books, papers, Pencils were distributed to student volunteers for teaching purpose.

Being in a precise flora where growth of harmful plants like Parthenium is very common and obvious, the college takes special care to get rid of these plants so as to reduce the vulnerability of students and staff from respiratory diseases.














